Who Is Or Isn’t A Content Creator?

In the media world, the term “content creator” is thrown about quite a bit. You hear it in sales pitches, recruitment ads, and even clients looking to service providers to help boost their “visibility”. But as the noise increases, the Continue reading Who Is Or Isn’t A Content Creator?

Do You Have A Brand Presence?

You just built your business (or your personal) brand identity. And you’re pretty satisfied with the identity that it projects. But the more relevant question is this – do your target audience even know that you (your brand) exist at Continue reading Do You Have A Brand Presence?

Brand: Necessary Evil Or A Complete Waste Of Money?

We get it, your products are comparable to what’s available out there in the market. Your quality, or the value that your product brings, both exceeds market expectations. You know it, your existing customers know it, and maybe even your Continue reading Brand: Necessary Evil Or A Complete Waste Of Money?

Is Your Business Internet Ready?

We’re fast approaching the end of the second decade of the 21st century. Unless you’ve been hibernating since the Y2K bug threat, you’d have realised that we’re well established in the internet age. There’re literary two planes of existence today Continue reading Is Your Business Internet Ready?

Hidden Dangers Of Going High-Tech

It’s a common objective of businesses, or even individuals, to strive to adopt the latest and greatest technology. Everything from phone call automation and auto-reply email, to robotic assembly plant and auto coffee making. However, not many can see (or Continue reading Hidden Dangers Of Going High-Tech

Secret Steps For SME/SMI To Challenge Industry Giants

Previously, we’ve shared why small players from SME or SMI can’t compete head-on with industry giants. Today we’ll share the secret weapon which will allow Little David to slay the mighty Goliath… Or at least co-exist with Goliath in the Continue reading Secret Steps For SME/SMI To Challenge Industry Giants

Can SME/SMI Compete With Giants For Market Share?

It’s a known fact, large corporations usually monopolise the market share. So how can SME (Small Medium Scale Enterprises) or SMI (Small Medium Scale Industries) even hope to stay afloat? Right from the outset, it’s more or less destined that Continue reading Can SME/SMI Compete With Giants For Market Share?

Visitors Don’t Always Come Through Your Front Door

When it comes to websites, most clients want to have a beautiful looking and featureful landing page. They want all the bells and whistles, the whole shebang, anything and everything that money can buy. So much so that very little Continue reading Visitors Don’t Always Come Through Your Front Door

The Unfair Advantage: Because The World Just Isn’t Fair

Let’s face it, nothing in this world is fair. Having a higher qualification against your fellow interviewees doesn’t guarantee that you’ll get hired. Likewise, competing your product against your competitor’s inferior offering doesn’t guarantee you the sale. You can complain Continue reading The Unfair Advantage: Because The World Just Isn’t Fair

Designer Vs. Design Entrepreneur

It’s no surprise that many design graduates strive to eventually branch out on their own, to start their own businesses. After all, it’s much sexier to call yourself an XYZ entrepreneur rather than an XYZ designer. But just how different Continue reading Designer Vs. Design Entrepreneur