Who Is Or Isn’t A Content Creator?

In the media world, the term “content creator” is thrown about quite a bit. You hear it in sales pitches, recruitment ads, and even clients looking to service providers to help boost their “visibility”. But as the noise increases, the Continue reading Who Is Or Isn’t A Content Creator?

Branding Works, Just Not In The Way That You Think

The act of developing and building a brand identity is a hotly debated topic. Some claim it to be the best business endeavour. Others believe it’s nothing more than just a glorified advertising campaign. Well, the fact that you’re reading Continue reading Branding Works, Just Not In The Way That You Think

Advertising On Facebook Is Cheap… Or Is It Really?

In a world where every business is vying for more exposure for their brand identity, social media presence is king. I mean, why not? Practically a-third of the world’s population is on Facebook. It’s literally unheard of in any other Continue reading Advertising On Facebook Is Cheap… Or Is It Really?

Copywriters Are A Dime A Dozen

Okay, I might have ruffled up some feathers with that statement up there, but at least I’ve got your attention. I don’t mean any disrespect to anybody out there, making an honest living doing copywriting. But the truth is that Continue reading Copywriters Are A Dime A Dozen

Everybody’s Talking About Branding, What Exactly Is A Brand Anyway?

One of the first function I attended upon returning from the Chinese New Year long holidays was a networking session. It was a newly established group, called the “Branding Mastermind”. So what did we discuss there?… Would you believe… “brand”? Continue reading Everybody’s Talking About Branding, What Exactly Is A Brand Anyway?

“If I Buy Your Product/Service, When’s My ROI?”

There’s only one thing in the minds of most clients when you propose anything to them – what’s their ROI?… ROI, or “Return-Of-Investment”, literary means when they can get their money back, after they “invest” a payment into whatever you’re Continue reading “If I Buy Your Product/Service, When’s My ROI?”

Social Media And Work Don’t Mix… Or Do They?

Social media of any sort is normally shun upon by management, and often selectively blocked by IT departments. But in this day and age of high demand in social media marketing skills, do they have their place in the corporate office? Social Continue reading Social Media And Work Don’t Mix… Or Do They?

What Is Branding? How Much Does It Cost? Part 2 of 2

Last week, we mentioned that all branding exercises need a vehicle to spread its message across. This vehicle is mass media, ranging from the traditional print media to the modern day electronic media. However, there exist a secret weapon that we Continue reading What Is Branding? How Much Does It Cost? Part 2 of 2