Branding Works, Just Not In The Way That You Think

The act of developing and building a brand identity is a hotly debated topic. Some claim it to be the best business endeavour. Others believe it’s nothing more than just a glorified advertising campaign. Well, the fact that you’re reading Continue reading Branding Works, Just Not In The Way That You Think

Brand: Necessary Evil Or A Complete Waste Of Money?

We get it, your products are comparable to what’s available out there in the market. Your quality, or the value that your product brings, both exceeds market expectations. You know it, your existing customers know it, and maybe even your Continue reading Brand: Necessary Evil Or A Complete Waste Of Money?

Is Your Business Internet Ready?

We’re fast approaching the end of the second decade of the 21st century. Unless you’ve been hibernating since the Y2K bug threat, you’d have realised that we’re well established in the internet age. There’re literary two planes of existence today Continue reading Is Your Business Internet Ready?

Are Business Suits Only Suitable For The Boardrooms?

Aside from politicians and high profile business magnates, almost no men regularly wear business suits anymore. Even gentleman (and lady too) in conservative professions (e.g. bankers, lawyers, accountants, consultants etc.) are also giving in to the pressure of “casual” workwear. Continue reading Are Business Suits Only Suitable For The Boardrooms?

Can SME/SMI Compete With Giants For Market Share?

It’s a known fact, large corporations usually monopolise the market share. So how can SME (Small Medium Scale Enterprises) or SMI (Small Medium Scale Industries) even hope to stay afloat? Right from the outset, it’s more or less destined that Continue reading Can SME/SMI Compete With Giants For Market Share?

Designer Vs. Design Entrepreneur

It’s no surprise that many design graduates strive to eventually branch out on their own, to start their own businesses. After all, it’s much sexier to call yourself an XYZ entrepreneur rather than an XYZ designer. But just how different Continue reading Designer Vs. Design Entrepreneur

Corporate Social Media Vs. Personal Social Media

We’re now living in the post Information Revolution age, where the biggest media in the world is social media. Literary everybody is connected via social media, and you can just as easily voice your opinion via your personal social media Continue reading Corporate Social Media Vs. Personal Social Media

Suit Walk 2018 : Personal Brand With Classic Men’s Wear

One of the most important part of the branding ecosystem is personal brand. And whether you choose to believe it or not, how you look does affect your overall personal brand. And nothing projects that you mean business better than Continue reading Suit Walk 2018 : Personal Brand With Classic Men’s Wear

To QR Code Or Not To QR Code, That Is The Question

Lately, when thinking of ideas for business card designs, we’ve come across clients requesting to include QR codes in them. Their reason? Because many others are also doing it. So is including QR codes into your business card design a Continue reading To QR Code Or Not To QR Code, That Is The Question

Developing a Positive Personal Brand

Last week, we talked about what makes personal branding, well, personal. This week, we’ll dive straight into how to develop an impressionable personal brand. We’ll also discuss how to create a positive first impression, and how to maintain it in the Continue reading Developing a Positive Personal Brand