Marketing Courses, The Latest Social Media Craze

Social media evolved from what used to be private journaling just a short decade ago. But today, they have collectively intertwined with the very fabric of society. From a personal collection of stories and albums, into a choreographed, full-fledged, variety Continue reading Marketing Courses, The Latest Social Media Craze

Advertising On Facebook Is Cheap… Or Is It Really?

In a world where every business is vying for more exposure for their brand identity, social media presence is king. I mean, why not? Practically a-third of the world’s population is on Facebook. It’s literally unheard of in any other Continue reading Advertising On Facebook Is Cheap… Or Is It Really?

Clients That Pay You With “Exposure”?

Trying to land clients for creative jobs is already tough, but securing a client that pays you with “exposure”?… Those of you in the retail business probably wouldn’t understand this. But it’s actually a pretty frequent occurrence in the creative Continue reading Clients That Pay You With “Exposure”?

Is Achieving Brand Utopia Realistic?

Building and maintaining a brand, like any other creative endeavours, require investment – time, effort and money. And if you’re able to manage it properly, you can actually achieve branding utopia. Your brand will be well known to all, competitors Continue reading Is Achieving Brand Utopia Realistic?

You Think Hiring A Professional Is Expensive?… Wait Till You Hire An Amateur!

Professional service providers charge professional rates. That’s a fact. So if you can’t afford them, you can always hire an amateur instead, right?… Well… yes and no… If you want to get your work done quickly and done right, hire Continue reading You Think Hiring A Professional Is Expensive?… Wait Till You Hire An Amateur!

How To Compete In A Market That’s Obsessed With Price (2 of 2)

Previously we looked at how the market is generally obsessed with looking for a cheaper price. In this article, we’ll take a look from the perspective of the seller instead. Let’s discuss how to sell to a market that’s trying to outbid Continue reading How To Compete In A Market That’s Obsessed With Price (2 of 2)

How To Compete In A Market That’s Obsessed With Price (1 of 2)

In a truly open market, there’s one parameter that’s always in the minds of potential clients – your asking price. You can argue that your product or service is worth the the price you’re asking for. But you also can’t deny the face that you’ll have competitors too. Continue reading How To Compete In A Market That’s Obsessed With Price (1 of 2)