It’s Not Your PowerPoint Slideshow… It’s You!

It’s often misconceived that if you fail in getting the attention of your audience during a presentation, it’s the slideshow’s fault. Or worse, that it’s the PowerPoint application’s fault. Well, I’m going to tell you that if something fails, most often it’s your Continue reading It’s Not Your PowerPoint Slideshow… It’s You!

Templates For Presentations : Saviour Or Disaster?

You’re preparing your visuals for your next presentation, and you open up your presentation slideshow application (any application). The first thing that your eyes lay on is a new slide with templates already there, waiting for you to put your texts Continue reading Templates For Presentations : Saviour Or Disaster?

Bullets Don’t Kill People, Bullet-Points Do!

Bullet-points are a staple of any presentation’s visual slideshows. It’s not surprising since most of the popular presentation softwares are bundled with default templates that come with bullet-points. Now, if that doesn’t encourage their usage, I don’t know what does. Continue reading Bullets Don’t Kill People, Bullet-Points Do!