Branding Works, Just Not In The Way That You Think

The act of developing and building a brand identity is a hotly debated topic. Some claim it to be the best business endeavour. Others believe it’s nothing more than just a glorified advertising campaign. Well, the fact that you’re reading Continue reading Branding Works, Just Not In The Way That You Think

Do You Have A Brand Presence?

You just built your business (or your personal) brand identity. And you’re pretty satisfied with the identity that it projects. But the more relevant question is this – do your target audience even know that you (your brand) exist at Continue reading Do You Have A Brand Presence?

“We Have Tablets And Smartphones To Do That Now…”

I was finishing up a discussion at a nearby café the other day. Out of habit, I pulled out my notebook planner and fountain pen to take notes. He took a look, smiled, and then said, “We have tablets and Continue reading “We Have Tablets And Smartphones To Do That Now…”

What’s Personal Branding and Why It’s Important to You

We’re very quite used to the term “branding” already. Used extensively in the context of corporate brand or product brand, but personal brand? So what exactly is personal branding anyway, and why should we bother? Believe it or not, personal Continue reading What’s Personal Branding and Why It’s Important to You