Fundamentals Of Lighting Workshop

The very basis of photography is light. So it’s very strange that when it comes to learning photography, nobody emphasise anything about learning lighting. So taking matters into our own hands, we’re collaborating with The Acoustic Shack to run a Continue reading Fundamentals Of Lighting Workshop

Models Vs. Photographers, Who Pays Whom?

Models and photographers have always had this love-hate relationship. There are a lot of other people in the studio in any modelling shoot, like fashion designer, make-up artist, art director, the tea lady, and assistants too. So why are these two always Continue reading Models Vs. Photographers, Who Pays Whom?

Why Are Professional Photographers So Expensive?

As a working photographer for so many years, I have had my fair share of uninspiring questions like “Why are you so expensive?”, and many of its other variants. The person asking these questions is basically asking how do we justify Continue reading Why Are Professional Photographers So Expensive?

Model or Talent Release Form: What Are They, And Do You Really Need Them?

Model Release Form, Model Release Agreement, Talent Release Form, Talent Release Agreement, or any other types of release forms or agreements that you can think of. What are they, and why do you need them?… Or DO you even need them at Continue reading Model or Talent Release Form: What Are They, And Do You Really Need Them?

Shoot Fashion Like A Pro

Fashion photography is part of the professional photography mentorship programme that is carried out. But unlike other “garden variety” photography workshops, we stress heavily on the realism of the shoot itself. So instead of gathering odd pieces of apparel from Continue reading Shoot Fashion Like A Pro

What Does It Take To Be A Model

The word “Model” itself strikes up an air of glamour, of a lifestyle that’s always in the limelight, being worshipped upon as the representative of the “perfect” human example. In a certain sense, that’s quite true, but being a model Continue reading What Does It Take To Be A Model