Corporate Social Media Vs. Personal Social Media

We’re now living in the post Information Revolution age, where the biggest media in the world is social media. Literary everybody is connected via social media, and you can just as easily voice your opinion via your personal social media Continue reading Corporate Social Media Vs. Personal Social Media

It’s Not Just How You Look, But Also How You Behave

Previously, we talked about how to dress the part to project a positive perception. But there’s more to projecting a good personal brand than merely dressing the part. How you behave with company, and project your personality will ultimately seal Continue reading It’s Not Just How You Look, But Also How You Behave

Personal Brand: Look The Part And Build A Positive Perception

In the previous article, we talked about how everybody projects their own personal brand, whether they realise it or not. This round, we’ll discuss how to take control of your personal brand, to create and project a positive perception. Everybody Continue reading Personal Brand: Look The Part And Build A Positive Perception

Everybody Has A Personal Brand, Whether You Realise It Or Not

There’s been a lot of write ups about personal branding recently. And even more expressed opinions about it. Whether you’re for or against it, the only thing you can’t do is to ignore it. Every individual has a personal brand. Continue reading Everybody Has A Personal Brand, Whether You Realise It Or Not

“We Have Tablets And Smartphones To Do That Now…”

I was finishing up a discussion at a nearby café the other day. Out of habit, I pulled out my notebook planner and fountain pen to take notes. He took a look, smiled, and then said, “We have tablets and Continue reading “We Have Tablets And Smartphones To Do That Now…”

Developing a Positive Personal Brand

Last week, we talked about what makes personal branding, well, personal. This week, we’ll dive straight into how to develop an impressionable personal brand. We’ll also discuss how to create a positive first impression, and how to maintain it in the Continue reading Developing a Positive Personal Brand

What’s Personal Branding and Why It’s Important to You

We’re very quite used to the term “branding” already. Used extensively in the context of corporate brand or product brand, but personal brand? So what exactly is personal branding anyway, and why should we bother? Believe it or not, personal Continue reading What’s Personal Branding and Why It’s Important to You