You Think Hiring A Professional Is Expensive?… Wait Till You Hire An Amateur!

Professional service providers charge professional rates. That’s a fact. So if you can’t afford them, you can always hire an amateur instead, right?… Well… yes and no… If you want to get your work done quickly and done right, hire Continue reading You Think Hiring A Professional Is Expensive?… Wait Till You Hire An Amateur!

Why Are Professional Photographers So Expensive?

As a working photographer for so many years, I have had my fair share of uninspiring questions like “Why are you so expensive?”, and many of its other variants. The person asking these questions is basically asking how do we justify Continue reading Why Are Professional Photographers So Expensive?

Let There Be Light… And Photography

You’ve finally decided to invest a reasonable portion of your hard earned money into a reputable camera. And when the sales clerk ask if you’d like to add an electronic flash with your purchase, you go blank… Yes, that’s right, photography is all Continue reading Let There Be Light… And Photography

Shoot Fashion Like A Pro

Fashion photography is part of the professional photography mentorship programme that is carried out. But unlike other “garden variety” photography workshops, we stress heavily on the realism of the shoot itself. So instead of gathering odd pieces of apparel from Continue reading Shoot Fashion Like A Pro