Sometimes… Clients Just Don’t Know What They Really Want

Those of you in the creative industry would’ve probably experienced this before. Sometimes, just sometimes, clients themselves don’t really know what is it exactly that they want… Not knowing what they want is not a problem. That’s what creative people Continue reading Sometimes… Clients Just Don’t Know What They Really Want

Idea Generation Is Your Most Important Business Asset

There’re many specialised skills that are important to a business corporation’s communication needs. Skills like business marketing, corporate communications, web design, social media marketing, graphic design, copy writing, so on and so forth. Would you have guessed that idea generation is the most Continue reading Idea Generation Is Your Most Important Business Asset

How To Compete In A Market That’s Obsessed With Price (2 of 2)

Previously we looked at how the market is generally obsessed with looking for a cheaper price. In this article, we’ll take a look from the perspective of the seller instead. Let’s discuss how to sell to a market that’s trying to outbid Continue reading How To Compete In A Market That’s Obsessed With Price (2 of 2)

How To Compete In A Market That’s Obsessed With Price (1 of 2)

In a truly open market, there’s one parameter that’s always in the minds of potential clients – your asking price. You can argue that your product or service is worth the the price you’re asking for. But you also can’t deny the face that you’ll have competitors too. Continue reading How To Compete In A Market That’s Obsessed With Price (1 of 2)